Experiences that converts

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut lobortis quam ut nisi accumsan bibendum. Phasellus tincidunt mauris sit amet nunc hendrerit consectetur.

11 November 2022

By: Remarkable

Category: Optimizely

Shopify is used by only 2% of the top one million e-commerce sites in the United Kingdom (Ranked by traffic volume). When looking at the websites that receive the highest volume of traffic in the UK, only 399 of the top 10,000 sites are built on Shopify. This is often due to the technical limitations of the platform.

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Our Work

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Jacksons Fencing

Jackson’s Fencing had a clear business objective - drive more traffic to their website and increase YOY sales whilst road testing their new digital channels.

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We leveraged channels strategically to position the brand across the awareness, consideration and decision stages of the customer journey, enabling us to tailor messaging based on funnel position and intent.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut condimentum ultricies rutrum. Vestibulum congue dolor vel neque elementum, et fringilla sapien tincidunt. Sed lobortis justo id mi tristique rutrum.

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Curabitur dignissim lorem id mauris bibendum hendrerit. Curabitur sit amet nibh id est lacinia sollicitudin. Cras porta libero id neque pharetra elementum. Praesent sed augue id ante vehicula viverra.

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Jacksons Fencing

Nulla nec eros lacus. Donec placerat ligula sit amet nulla placerat facilisis. Nunc porta nibh sed urna mollis sollicitudin. Nullam vehicula efficitur dignissim. Morbi sed lorem eget lectus cursus sagittis sit amet a quam.

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Sed sodales sit amet nisl quis bibendum. Suspendisse ultricies consectetur leo eu iaculis. Vestibulum rhoncus, augue sit amet lobortis placerat, diam quam dignissim tortor, ut elementum elit arcu a dolor.

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About us

Our digital transformation team will use insights, experience, strategy and industry knowledge to support you and your stakeholders through a simple journey to understand the risks and opportunities and the cost of not driving forward the right change for the business.

  • We understand the need to transform and modernise your organisation to meet the needs of tomorrow’s customer.
  • We know that talking about digital technology can seem complex and getting buy-in from your board or c-suite team can be a barrier.