Sagittarius chooses Gitex to launch its growth in UAE

10 October 2022

By: Tracy-Ann Lee, Marketing Manager

Category: Remarkable News

Sagittarius chooses Gitex – the largest Tech conference in the GCC – to launch the next phase of its growth in the region.

From the heart of London to the heart of Dubai, British-grown agency Sagittarius are exhibiting for GiTex Global and AI Excellence at the Dubai World Trade Centre October 10-14 to signal their ambitions as pure-play Sitecore experts.

With over 40 years of heritage, this UK-born agency initially started in humble performance marketing before evolving its technological capability to become one of the longest established Sitecore specialists in the world and uniquely known for its leading expertise in CX, optimisation and conversion.

Sagittarius is a Global Platinum Enterprise Solutions Partner, expanding from its base in the UK across the globe to service some of the world’s most ambitious brands. For the agency, Dubai is the perfect launch pad into the Gulf, with a rich mix of ambitious brands and businesses and an appetite to be technological and customer experience leaders. Now, that Sitecore has established its presence at GiTex, it’s also the perfect moment for Sagittarius to join the celebration. 

Sagittarius CEO Ian MacArthur said “Over 75% of customers in the Middle East want brands to connect with them on a personal level – by creating a deeper connection via a digital experience that converts. In a post-pandemic world, it’ll be the brands that best understand and utilise this in a truly joined up and personalised journey that will thrive”

He says, “Our loyalty and exclusivity to Sitecore have seen us rise through the ranks to become an agency of choice. Using our unique expertise we help our customers realise the potential of their technology investment. Gitex is a brilliant opportunity for Sagittarius to invest more in supporting the local Sitecore customers and community, aligned with its ambition and growth plans for the GCC.

We will showcase our capabilities alongside Sitecore’s composable DXP to advance the emirate’s role as a leader in matching and exceeding the expectations of the digital customer of tomorrow.”

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